Reinert Abflammtechnik

hopfenFLAMM eng

hopfenFLAMM 2450


Set new, environmentally friendly and trend-setting standards for weed removal in hop cultivation. The preservation of nature is our task. You too can contribute. For an environmentally friendly interaction between humans and nature, we all have to break new ground.

Since 2007, we have been accompanying the first trials in hop cultivation with our equipment technology, which has been tried and tested in organic farming for over 50 years. In cooperation with several hop growers, we have developed and continuously improved an appropriate cultivation flame extinguisher for hop cultivation on the basis of this experience.

Today, the innovative result of our development is our special device hopfenFLAMM 2450.

For some years now, the use of chemical pesticides has become more and more complicated and increasingly restricted by the legislator. The flame technique offers an interesting opportunity to eliminate weeds, fungi and spores in an environmentally friendly and effective way.

With the special hopfenFLAMM 2450 device, you can completely dispense with the use of chemical pesticides in hop cultivation. The use of our equipment technology is easy to use for bifang care and defoliation.

By using environmentally friendly flame retardation technology, you also contribute to an intact ecosystem in a natural way. Environmentally friendly weed removal.





The hopfenFLAMM 2450 add-on flame-burning device is attached to the front hydraulics on the tractor for optimal visibility. It can be extended and retracted hydraulically by approx. 40 cm on both sides.

The total displacement range is therefore approx. 80 cm. This means that all common row widths can be covered and the device can be reduced to a minimum transport width. This requires a double-acting control unit on the tractor.

The gas tank is carried on the tractor using a three-point rear attachment. The scope of delivery of the flame device includes a corresponding gas connection hose with all the necessary safety fittings.

All high-performance rod burners are ignited conveniently from the driver’s cab. All burners can be individually ignited electrically at the push of a button. Thanks to our burner quick switch-off, which has been tried and tested for years, all burners can be switched off and on again in seconds when there are obstacles or young plants.

The floor guidance of the burner units on both sides is carried out by large, spindle-adjustable steel support wheels (360/100 mm) that can be swiveled through 180°. Thanks to the spindle adjustment, the height of the burners can be adjusted quickly, conveniently and optimally.

To prevent damage to the device, the left and right burner units automatically fold backwards using horizontal parallelograms when approaching obstacles. Appropriate gas pressure dampers ensure that the parallelograms are returned to their original position.

All of our flame devices have been tested and approved. They comply with the current German technical regulations for liquid gas (DVFG-TRF).


hopfenFLAMM 2450

for bifang care and defoliation on both sides with 4 high-performance rod burners, each with a working width of 50 cm.

  • 1 high-performance rod burner on the left and right – arranged at the bottom (bifang care)
  • 1 high-performance rod burner on the left and right – arranged vertically (defoliation)


Row width: ca. 240 – 320 cm
Side shift: hydraulically approx. 80 cm

left and right evenly approx. 40 cm each

Transport width: approx. 220 cm
Speed: approx. 2 – 4 km/h
Area performance: approx. 0.8 – 1.2 ha/hour.

(depending on working speed and row width)

Gas consumption: Use of 2 high-performance rod burners:

approx. €30/ha (bifang care)

  Use of 4 high-performance rod burners:

approx. 46 kg/h (592 kW) (bifang care + defoliation)

Gas costs: Use of 2 high-performance rod burners:

approx. €30/ha (bifang care)

  Use of 4 high-performance rod burners:

approx. €60/ha (bifang care + defoliation)

Gas tank: The mobile system gas tank is not included in the scope of delivery of the burning device. You can rent the gas tank directly from the gas supplier. You are contractually bound to purchase the gas.

We would be happy to make you an offer for this too.





The use of chemical agents to eliminate weeds is becoming increasingly complicated and has been increasingly restricted in recent years. The legislature is planning even greater restrictions, including a complete ban, in all areas in the coming years.The flame-burning technique offers an interesting and effective way to eliminate weeds, fungi and spores in an environmentally friendly way.



Flaming technology is a practical, economical and environmentally friendly alternative to weed removal. Chemical agents can be completely dispensed with.

The flaming ttechnology does not involve burning plant parts, but rather short-term heating to at least 70 °C. From this temperature range onwards, the cell protein in the plant coagulates. The cell structure is permanently destroyed and a sufficiently large number of cells die.

The plant cells are abruptly heated and killed via heat applied to the plant surface by propane gas burners. The resulting rapid rise in temperature leads to such an expansion of the cell fluid that the cell walls burst. Cell fluid leaks out and the plant dries up.

Propane gas is used because it burns into carbon dioxide and water completely without leaving any residue and in an environmentally neutral way!

Great success.

Before burning, the soil and the surface of the leaf masses should ideally be dry. Basically the following applies: the younger the weeds, the more effective the measure is. Success also depends on the time of use and the weather. This makes a killing success of up to 100% possible.

Our unique high-performance rod burners achieve the highest flame temperature possible with propane gas of approx. 1,925 °C. As a result, all parts of the plant that are directly reached by the operating flame die immediately and with great certainty. The operating flame is generated evenly across the entire width of the burner.

Subsequent rain has no negative impact on the success of a burning measure. This does not affect the effect.

In order to heat all weeds to the required temperatures and achieve sufficient damage, the following rule applies: the higher the exposure temperature, the shorter the exposure time. Lower flame temperatures require a much slower working speed and result in a correspondingly lower effect.

Perfect in time to use.

1. Use

The shoots that have grown back are torched with a burner approx. 2-3 weeks after the first plowing. The infestation of all pests and all fungal spores is also significantly reduced, as they die at temperatures above around 60 °C.

2. Use

Here the Bifang is flamed with a burner approx. 2-3 weeks after the second plowing. The hop vines are also defoliated at the same time using a second, vertical burner.





Reith Landtechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Ingolstädter Straße 16
D-85283 Wolnzach
Tel: +49 (0) 84 42 / 92 78 – 0
Fax: +49 (0) 84 42 / 92 78 – 30