Reinert Abflammtechnik

powerHEAT eng


The new technology for the agriculture.



This completely new reconsidered development is a fundamental improvement of the previous burner technology.

It enables the user to work more effective and efficient due to the generation of significantly higher temperatures, which act more quickly and intensively on the wild herbes.

As a consequence the user is able to work more quickly which ensures a saving of energy and time (saving of ressources).

With our high performance pole burner we are able to achieve the highest possible flame temperature with propan gas (1.925°C).

The flame continously burns blue without leaving any residue. Due to the higher temperatures the user can benefit from significantly shorter application times to kill the wild herbs.

Available in the working width of 1,50 to 9 metres.

More area efficiency, less gas consumption.



powerHEAT 1550 – 2250